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""The first commune was destroyed because of women's jealousies. They were fighting continuously. The second commune was destroyed because of women's jealousies. And this is the third commune – and the last, because I am getting tired. Once in a while I think perhaps Buddha was right not to allow any women in his commune for twenty years. I am not in favor of him: I am the first who has allowed men and women the same, equal opportunity for enlightenment. But I have burnt my fingers twice, and it has always been the jealousy of the women."

OSHO [Joshu the Lion's Roar # 2]

In view of Osho's quotation above, these were unfortunately Osho's chief female disciples and of course were all Indians. The first Osho Commune was established by his disciples in 1974 in Pune, India. The second Osho Commune was established in Oregon, U.S. A. in the year 1982 and the last Osho Commune has been established in Pune again in the year 1986 called as Pune-II. Osho's secretaries were the heads of these communes who were all women. How they all fell victim to jealousy and tried to destroy Osho Communes, their history as appear in ,in Osho Talks as well as in the books written by Osho's disciples is as under:--


MA YOGA NEELAM, Ex-Secretary , as per

"Ma Neelam Met Osho for the first time in 1969 during Osho's visit to Ludhiana after which her inner journey and love affair with Osho and his work blossomed. In 1972, Osho Himself initiated her in Sannyas after which she regularly visited the Pune ashram until 1981. When Osho left for USA, she also stayed four years from 1982 to 1985 in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, USA in His commune."
"In answer to a question from Ma Yoga Neelam in 1976, Osho said," I have known her long enough, not only in this life but in other lives also. Her path is certain, that it is of love. Through love she is going to achieve. Through love she is going to be. Her direction is absolutely clear. Love is her meditation."


"That's why I said the way of the heart is beautiful but dangerous."
"The other side of love is hate; the other side of love is jealousy. So if a woman gets caught into hate and jealousy, all the beauty of love dies and she is left only with poisons in her hands. She will poison herself and she will poison everybody who is around." MA YOGA NEELAM, Ex-Secretary [as per]

"She thinks she knows better than everyone, including me. She is a stubborn type. She has forgotten who is the master and who is a secretary."……………………..OSHO


"So it is difficult to find a guru whose disciples do not rebel against him or become his enemies. The chief disciple is bound to be the enemy of the guru. It is almost inevitable, because the pressure of power is always met with rebellion. Spirituality has nothing to do with it. So one must be careful to choose the chief disciple"………….. OSHO

(In Search of the Miraculous # 14)

"The first commune was destroyed because of women's jealousies. They were fighting continuously. The second commune was destroyed because of women's jealousies. And this is the third commune – and the last, because I am getting tired. Once in a while I think perhaps Buddha was right not to allow any women in his commune for twenty years. I am not in favor of him: I am the first who has allowed men and women the same, equal opportunity for enlightenment. But I have burnt my fingers twice, and it has always been the jealousy of the women."

OSHO (Joshu the Lion's Roar # 2)

In view of Osho's quotation above, these were unfortunately Osho's chief female disciples and of course were all Indians. The first Osho Commune was established by his disciples in 1974 in Pune, India. The second Osho Commune was established in Oregon, U.S. A. in the year 1982 and the last Osho Commune has been established in Pune again in the year 1986 called as Pune-II. Osho's secretaries were the heads of these communes who were all women. How they all fell victim to jealousy and tried to destroy Osho Communes, their history as appear in ,in Osho Talks as well as in the books written by Osho's disciples is as under:-


MA YOGA NEELAM , Ex-Secretary, [as per]

"Ma Neelam Met Osho for the first time in 1969 during Osho's visit to Ludhiana after which her inner journey and love affair with Osho and his work blossomed. In 1972, Osho Himself initiated her in Sannyas after which she regularly visited the Pune ashram until 1981. When Osho left for USA, she also stayed four years from 1982 to 1985 in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, USA in His commune."

"In answer to a question from Ma Yoga Neelam in 1976, Osho said," I have known her long enough, not only in this life but in other lives also. Her path is certain, that it is of love. Through love she is going to achieve. Through love she is going to be. Her direction is absolutely clear. Love is her meditation."


"That's why I said the way of the heart is beautiful but dangerous."
"The other side of love is hate; the other side of love is jealousy. So if a woman gets caught into hate and jealousy, all the beauty of love dies and she is left only with poisons in her hands. She will poison herself and she will poison everybody who is around."

"To be loving one has to be more alert because you can fall into the ditch of hate which is just very close by. Every peak of love is very close; the dark valley of hate is surrounding the peak from everywhere – you can slip very easily."

"Perhaps that is the reason many women decide not to love. Perhaps that is the reason man has decided to live in the head and forget all about the heart... because it is so sensitive, it feels hurt very easily, its moods change just like the climate changing. One who really wants to learn the art of love has to remember all of these things, and has to save his love from falling into all these ditches of hatred, jealously; otherwise, going to the being will become impossible – more impossible than it is from the head."
"The woman has to drop jealousy, she has to drop hatred".

(Socrates Poisoned Again…# 21)

MA YOGA NEELAM, Ex-Secretary [as per

"She thinks she knows better than everyone, including me. She is a stubborn type. She has forgotten who is the master and who is a secretary."

"The deepest, ancientmost conditioning for a woman is the need to be needed. It is the need to be needed that interferes with every female seeker's deep meditation ..."
"The master is utterly alone. There is not even the possibility of relationship, not even with the mother, the father, and friends. It may be a little difficult to understand for you, but you can try."
"The need to be needed means that every woman seeker, deep down, wants the Master to be her personal property; she calls it love. It feels like deep love but it is biological conditioning at the deepest level. You can see it with my closest devotees, though they are not aware of it. She wants the Master to be her lover, according to her biological conditioning. And it is simply not possible."
"It is very difficult for a woman disciple to be with a Master because her whole conditioning is calling for 'love', to be needed. More than anything else she needs to be needed."……… OSHO.

[OSHO: The first Buddha in the Dental Chair]

"Neelam was not privy to Osho at all during the nine months he was laying out his plans for the expansion of the Commune and the international work. He had dropped her from the regular afternoon meetings with his secretaries more than one year before he left the body. She continued to be his secretary for India, but had to pass all her work through me, even the work connected with the Hindi publications. I know that this was very difficult for her to accept. She asked to see Osho a number of times, through me and through his caretaker Shunyo, but his answer was always no.

"In light of the fact that I have no formal position in any of the organizations involved in Osho's work, I am surprised Neelam claims I am one of the in-charge. I know she was jealous of me, because Osho used to invite me to all his meals, and spend hours talking with me in the evenings after the discourse. I was informed that the first words she uttered on being told Osho had left the body, were, 'Was Anando there?' And because Osho left me as his medium, it made it very difficult for her to play the 'mataji' role she so clearly aspires to."….( ANANDO)


"There is a campaign in the media to convince people that something is wrong at Osho's thriving Commune in Pune, something wrong with the people Osho chose to be responsible for his work, and something wrong with the direction of that work."

"Behind these allegations is Ma Neelam, along with her consort, Sw. Tathagat. Till recently their strategy was simple. Ma Neelam pretends that she has been personally informed by Osho of his wishes for his work and is therefore someone whose opinion on this can be trusted. She remains silent in public, but below the surface makes sure that everyone knows she thinks Osho's wishes are not being respected. Tathagat, who has no credibility in the sannyasin community, trades on Ma Neelam's deceptions to spread lies and distortions to the media and government bodies."

"Eventually, the Commune Management Team had no alternative but to inform the Osho Meditation Centers in India. Now that these centers know Ma Neelam's credibility is a lie, she has been forced to "break her year-long silence" and try her luck with the general public and the government."

"The essential point is that Ma Neelam has gone to great trouble over many years to deceive people into thinking that she was a long time on-going confidant of Osho until he left his body – someone who was "specially close" to Osho, and who naturally must know the facts."

"In reality, she was Osho's secretary for India for just 3 ½ years, the last year of which Osho dropped her from the daily secretarial work with him. This meant that she was not present at all while he was making the plans and preparations for his work after he was gone. The reason Osho gave for dropping her was, "She thinks she knows better than everyone, including me. She is a stubborn type. She has forgotten who is the master and who is a secretary."

"Despite being specifically excluded from any direct guidance from Osho about his wishes for the future direction of his work, Ma Neelam is insisting that she knows better than the people Osho actually worked on these plans with.

"As Osho explains it, rather than admit her anger towards Osho at being dropped from her function, she attacks those who were entrusted by her Master with his work. Her ignorance about Osho's work is clear when one compares her false allegations with the facts outlined below."

"She has now convinced her close friend, Swami Chaitanya Keerti – in spite of Keerti's admission that he was not aware that Osho had dropped Ma Neelam. Ironically, media contacts which were originally made by Keerti on behalf of the Commune, are now being used by him to attack the Commune. As a result, misinformation is being published while the correct facts are not. Hence we have no alternative but to take this page to present these facts."


"The origins of these allegations finally became public on June 20th in Ma Neelam's Indian Express interview, where she acknowledged that she has been in conflict with the direction of Osho's work from the time shortly after his leaving the body."

"Since she was not seeing Osho in that vital nine months when he set out his agenda for the continuation of his work after he left the body, she has no direct information about his wishes. She has never accepted any decisions he made after he stopped seeing her."

"Osho made it clear he has no successor, and on the contrary proposed that all his people be ordinary, without any spiritual hierarchy. This was in conflict with Ma Neelam's idea that she was in some way special. She invented a whole mythology around herself to support this. She told people that Osho had made her the "Queen of his empire," and that the Inner Circle had been created essentially to support her work. Anyone who has been a part of the Inner Circle knows this to be false."

"Even today, she declares that she is Osho's personal secretary, when she knows this is not true. She says she has been "close" to Osho for 30 years, to give weight to the idea that she is informed about his work."

"The facts speak otherwise. She was an occasional visitor to the Osho Commune during the 70's, and only became involved in Osho's work when she started helping in the kitchen at the commune in the USA in 1982. For three brief periods in '86/early '87 she took care of Osho in the absence of his regular caretaker. She was one of the group of secretaries who visited Osho in the afternoons from 1987 till the latter part of 1988, after which she was dropped from these visits because, Osho said, she was stubborn and thought she knew better."

"Osho did not make her "the queen," nor select her for any special "successor" role, nor make any mention of her on his last day, nor leave her any memento as he did with some others."

"So first she makes every effort to conceal the fact that she was not involved in those final preparations for Osho's work. Then she has the stunning audacity to travel the country, deceiving people about her "special" status, and passing judgment, not only on those particular instructions about which she naturally is not informed, but also on the people to whom those instructions were entrusted by her Master. And in this latest act, she is now doing her best to destroy her Master's work in this country, confirming that she still thinks she knows better."


"With his characteristic insight into the unconscious of us all, Osho warned about the difficulty for ex-secretaries to get over being dropped from the secretarial function. He explains that a secretary's ego is very happy to be called to see him for this work and gets attached to its idea that it is special. And the ego is always angry with Osho when he decides that they are no longer useful in that function. He explains how these people have always demonstrated their anger and resentment at being dropped by trying to sabotage the work that their replacement has been asked to carry out."

"Just as Ma Laxmi, Osho's secretary of the 70's, did this to her successors, and was eventually banned by Osho from the Commune for it, so Ma Sheela did the same, and now, like clockwork, Ma Neelam is repeating the identical pattern."

"As Osho explains, when these secretaries are replaced, their egos naturally suffer, but this is an opportunity for them to experience ordinariness. And that the continuing resentment at being dropped always leads to a sense of separation, which is ultimately destructive."

"We trust that the people Ma Neelam has deceived, including herself, and others who can influence this sad situation, will stop this destructive campaign. That they will not allow Osho's work – at the very time his vision is being embraced worldwide – to be destroyed in our country, a country that can be proud to have given this world the phenomenon called Osho."


" Ma Neelam has been visiting the Commune on and off for the last year, creating the strange situation of using the Commune to meditate on the one hand, and trying to destroy it on the other. After it became clear that this situation had to be addressed, and the Meditation Centers had been informed, the Commune Management Team asked to meet with her. Instead, she called Sw Satya Vedant and refused to meet. He asked her meanwhile to take some time off to meditate at home and to look at what she is doing; and explained that the Management Team was not taking her pass away, but definitely wanted to discuss the situation with her. Ma Neelam then said she would go to the press. As it turned out she was lying – she had already gone to the press the day before, and her interview with the Indian Express came in that very morning's newspaper."

"When asked later that day why she was attacking the Commune Ma Neelam replied, "The Commune is dying its natural death. I am doing nothing."

"This going to the press creates a whole new situation, invoking a crystal clear directive from Osho that people who are responsible for negative publicity against the Commune are banned until a public apology from them is printed both in the Osho Times and in the publication which printed the original material. Ma Neelam is perfectly aware of this policy. In 1988, it was she who delivered Osho's message banning Ma Laxmi – Osho's secretary for many more years than Ma Neelam – for conducting a divisive campaign which is very similar to the present one. Ma Neelam has the option of accepting her Master's guidance on this. If not she will in essence be banning herself."


MA ANAND SHEELA, Ex-Secretary of Osho

"Sheela had no spiritual aspirations. She had never meditated. She was not interested in being enlightened. She has not even listened to me. In Poona while I was speaking, she was continuously sleeping and she had asked me, "what to do." I said, "You just go on sleeping. This is not time for you to be awake and sleep is perfectly good. Just a good morning sleep and the whole day's work is there; I have no objection." Seeing that she has no potential, at least in this life.... And this was my impression on the very first day she entered my room in 1970 – that she was utterly materialistic, but very practical, very pragmatic, strong-willed, could be used in the beginning days of the commune... because the people who are spiritually-oriented are stargazers"………………………..OSHO

[From Bondage to Freedom # 18]

"One journalist was asking, "If Sheela was so crude, so violent, so hostile to people, so full of hatred, why did you choose her as the president of the foundation?" "When you make a beautiful building, for the foundation you choose all kinds of ugly stones. When the foundation is finished, then you start working with marble, not before that." "With human beings this is a difficulty: they don't know when their time is over, they cling. They think they have been chosen forever. I have told Sheela many times, "Nobody is chosen forever. You fulfill a need. You do your best, then vacate the place for those whose work is now to make something better, higher."

[From Bondage to Freedom # 13]

"Sheela was not a meditator and her influence on the commune was that work, and only work, mattered. Through work she could dominate people, because she had her grades of "good" workers and rewarded them accordingly. Meditation was considered a waste of time and even on the rare occasions that I did meditate; I sat with a book in front of me, in case someone came in the room and "caught" me. I had lost perspective of the importance of meditation, and all the years Osho had been talking of it were lost for a while. Having taken great flights into the sky in India, I now felt grounded and earthbound."

"Sheela was getting a taste of stardom. She was asked to go on many TV programs, I think because her gross behavior, such as giving the finger as an answer to a question, helped the ratings."

"There were, by now, many new sannyasins from Europe who had never seen Osho. To them Sheela was The Pope. She was always surrounded by young people with adoring faces, fresh from the communes in Europe, eager to clap their hands at anything she said. These meetings used to frighten me. I used to think how they must have been like Hitler's youth movement. As Sheela increased her fight with the "outside world', so a battle began within. Vivek and Sheela gave a meeting together in Magdalena cafeteria one night to assure commune members that there was no rift between them."

"Vivek did not trust Sheela one inch, and she was not allowed a key to Osho's house. When she came to see Osho, Sheela first had to telephone Vivek, and then the door would be unlocked for her at the exact right time and locked behind her. ….It was a matter of who had the power."



"I can see you all are immensely happy. I came to know just a little late that you were dancing in the streets; otherwise, I would have joined you. I myself am feeling for the first time at home.
First the question, then a few more things."
I feel sad and sorry for Sheela and her gang. She has a certain hatred for Indians. The reason is she was raped when she was fifteen or sixteen years old by a man who was a friend of her father, and she had always thought of him as her uncle. Then she became pregnant.
And in India, in those days, pregnancy was a great problem. Abortion was not legal, so illegally, somehow, some physician managed the abortion.

That pain, that distrust, that ugly experience, and the trauma has remained as a wound in her. That is the root cause of her hatred for Indians. Perhaps I am the only person from India whom she did not hate. The reason is clear, that I may have been born in India, but I am not an Indian. I don't belong to any tradition, any religion, any race, any color. The moment she saw me, heard me, she felt tremendous joy, that at least in the whole of India, of eight hundred million people, she can love one Indian.

The same phenomenon has caused in her mind a deep hatred for men too. Because of that old man she has been taking revenge on all men.
You may have observed that around her there were only homosexuals. Homosexuals are not men, homosexuals are not women. You cannot categorize them as men or women.
First I was thinking, why does she continue to be surrounded by homosexuals? Then I saw the point, that instead of men she would like homosexuals to be around her. They have dropped out of manhood. They are no longer polar opposites to the woman.

In India, she was consistently, for nine years, persuading me to come to America. I would have never come to America, but my physical health was bad. And her persuasion was right, that perhaps in the clean air, in a dry and cool place, my health will recover.

But in her own mind, the basic reason for me to leave India was the rape that had happened there. She hated the whole country. Her excuse to bring me out of India was perfectly right, but behind the excuse was her psychology. She did not want to live in India herself. She did not want me to live in India. She did not want my people to live in India.
She still carried the same antagonism, and she found excuses to throw away Indians. Many Indians had come to the commune, and had gone back to India with tears in their eyes.
India is a poor country. To make arrangements to come to America, and then to be refused by the commune, is simply inhuman. These people had come by selling their houses, their lands, all their belongings – and they were not accepted.

But because I was in silence, I never came to know what was going on. She had sent away many Indian sannyasins in a very ugly way.

Now everybody can come, because nobody has raped me, nor have I raped anybody. I don't have any antagonism for anybody in the whole world. In fact, it was because of Sheela that Oregon became so hostile to the commune. I was silent. For five years I did not read any newspapers, did not listen to the radio, did not read any books Just the other day I came to know that Sheela, and the whole gang that has escaped from here, were trying to kill three people who are very close to me: Devaraj, my physician; Devageet, who was my dentist in India; and Vivek, who has taken care of me for all these fifteen years as lovingly as no other woman is capable of. Twenty-four hours a day she has been just like a shadow to me, thinking of such small things – about my dress, about my bath, about my food.

You will not have seen any kitchen where a doctor is sitting and weighing calories of everything.
They are very miserly; they don't allow me more than three thousand calories per day. And I have to speak five hours, just on three thousand calories!

But they love me, and they don't want me to leave my body before my people are ready.

I may have died without Vivek, Devaraj, Devageet, anytime. They have taken every care to keep me alive as long as possible.

Now Sheela is gone and the whole gang is gone. Things were repressed out of fear. People who knew could not say, because saying meant they would be thrown out of the commune, and they did not want to leave me. Just to be with me they had to carry wounds in their hearts.

One sannyasin came immensely happy and told Vivek that there was a meeting a few months before.... Vivek, Devaraj and Devageet – all three should be killed by slow poisoning. And she could not understand, so she left the meeting. So she does not know what decision they came to.

But they must have decided to, because Vivek got one dose of slow poison and her heartbeat went absolutely berserk. It took three hours for doctors, medicine, to bring her heartbeat back to normal. This has never happened before. She had taken only one cup of tea at Jesus Grove, and immediately this happened.

In the meeting here, in the last ceremony, Devaraj was injected with poison. He is a doctor, has the highest qualifications from Britain. He immediately understood what had been done. He felt the prick. It happened when Shanti B. was by the side of him, telling him something, one hand on his shoulder, another hand near his body on the floor.

He immediately started saying that he had been poisoned, he had been injected. Nobody could believe it, but his situation was... he became pale as if he was dying. He had to be sent to Bend Hospital.

Hasya was there to take care of him. The doctors who were looking after him told Hasya that there seemed to be no reason for his sudden sickness, except that some poisoning had been done. They also said that the same case had happened with the attorney of Jefferson County last year, and they suspect it was exactly the same case of poisoning.

Now this gang was making it instead of a meditation camp, a concentration camp. And why did these three people have to be removed, to be killed? Just because they were close to me.

Sheela never wanted anybody to be close to me, for a simple reason: so I am never able to know what she is doing outside, what she is saying outside, in my name.

And you will be surprised and shocked, that even my room, my sitting room, my bedroom – they were all bugged. On the surface they were all saying that they love me and they are ready to die for me. What could be the reason to bug my room? And Vivek suspected it, because her room was also bugged. Hasya's house was bugged, and every telephone call was taped. Now, my people are not talking politics on telephones – perhaps with a friend, with a lover.

And when I suspected this, I asked her. She said, "No. We are simply tapping the phones of people whom we suspect are planted by the government."

I said, "In four years, how much information have you got? You show me."

They had not a single piece of information. So I said, "What is the point? For four years those thirty people were not phoning at all?"

And this is simply an excuse to listen to other people's conversations. And it is ugly, inhuman, undemocratic. It is a crime. It is interference in people's privacy.

I was not aware that they were even bugging my room. It will be difficult for you to believe – yesterday we discovered and disconnected a bugging device.

She was continuously insisting that my room should have a buzzer, an emergency buzzer, so that the guards know immediately if anything is wrong.

I said, "From inside what can be wrong? Guards are outside. If anything wrong is going to happen to me, it will come from outside. They should have a buzzer to inform me. I am living isolated. Nobody can even see me from the outside, and I cannot see anybody outside. The buzzer is pointless."

What she insisted was: in some emergency it may be needed. I said, "Okay, if you are so intent, it does me no harm." But the point was – just yesterday we came to know – when the buzzer was removed, there was a microphone. It was a bugging device.

I was seeing a few people once in a while. She never wanted for me to see anybody. But I said, "This is not possible. I have a certain message for somebody, certain instruction for somebody. And I don't think you are capable of doing it. So the person has to be called."

So that was the reason for bugging my room – what am I saying to people whom I have called?

She had created almost a fascist state. It was ugly. It was criminal. And the whole bunch has escaped. Knowing that once Sheela and the main people are gone, the others will be in trouble because soon these things will be discovered....

But we are not going to leave these criminals in the world. They will destroy other communes, other people. I am going to inform the government; I am going to inform the international police force; I am going to inform all the communes; I am going to inform the press media. These people should be treated as criminals

One of our old sannyasins, Shunyo, has donated three hundred thousand dollars, after an attack on my life was made, to purchase a bulletproof car. Those three hundred thousand dollars were simply swallowed up by Sheela and her brother, Bipin. They went on saying, "The money will be returned, it will be returned within a month." Now almost eight years have passed, and not a single dollar has been returned to the commune. And I heard yesterday that, although Sheela and her whole gang has left, Bipin is still in Jesus house.

Geeta has proved a jewel. She was the secretary of Sheela. Sheela wanted her also to go with them; Geeta refused. She has seen the working of Sheela closely, and she did not want to be part of that criminal gang. She informed me that this Bipin is in the house. I told her, "Tell him to leave immediately – he has nothing to do here – because he may do more mischief."

These people could do all this harm, and much more about which we are not aware. But rumors are coming and soon people will start finding what else they have done.

It is just a rumor that they tried to poison the whole of The Dalles city by poisoning their water system. It is just a rumor right now. They did not succeed, but they made the attempt.

I am trying to make you absolutely apolitical, with no desire for power; and these people were using you and your strength for their own ambitions.

I have heard that some government office in The Dalles was burned, and it was the work of this group. These people could have done anything.

They could have killed me. Perhaps, after killing those three people who are taking care of my health, they would have started slowly poisoning me, so they become absolute dictators in the commune.

So it really feels fresh. The air seems to be totally different, and we are fortunate that they left by themselves. Perhaps they suspected that the time has come when they may be exposed.

Perhaps they have taken away money from the commune... because they have left the commune with a fifty-five-million-dollar debt. And strangely enough, three days before they left I asked Savita – because she was looking after the finances – "How much debt do you have?"

She said, "Nearabout two and a half million."

Just three days before, two and a half million. They became experts in lying. The night she was leaving, I asked her, "You tell me exactly how much debt, because anybody who is going to run the commune will have to take care of the debt."

She said, "It must be thirty to thirty-five million."

I said, "Strange. Just within two days, from two and a half million, to thirty to thirty-five million? What happened in these two days?"

She said, "I was not aware of the whole thing. Because you asked me, I looked into it."

I said, "But I have heard that you are leaving a fifty-five-million-dollar debt. And you are still saying thirty-five. Be true!"

Hearing the figure fifty-five million dollars, she said, "Perhaps it is fifty-five million dollars." Suddenly from thirty-five it becomes fifty-five – just there within two minutes. These people were lying to me. These people were lying to you………….. ( OSHO)

[From Bondage to Freedom # 2]

"Secondly, you are telling people that Sheela has done great work and the commune should be grateful to her. She has certainly done great work, and the commune is grateful for all the good that she has done. But side by side she has been committing crimes. The commune cannot be grateful for those crimes – crimes ranging from killing people, attempts on people's lives, to bugging houses – and taping phone calls, which cannot be forgiven, because that is trespassing on individual privacy. And she was planning bigger crimes."
"People are accustomed to see things as black or as white. In life it is very rare to find somebody who is absolutely black, or somebody who is absolutely white. People are different in degrees between these two polarities. But one thing has to be remembered, that you may be doing ninety-nine percent good work, but a single crime will destroy your credibility completely. Your good work cannot save you."
"You are saying that the commune should feel grateful because Sheela burned the planning office of Wasco County? that she tried to poison one of the judges of Wasco County and one of the attorneys of Jefferson County? that she tried to kill Doctor Devaraj and Vivek, here in the commune? You are going to be grateful to her that she was lying to me continuously?"
"She bugged my room. She bugged almost the whole commune. Nobody was left their independence, their freedom of privacy. One hundred and forty-five rooms in the hotel were bugged. Nixon looks like a pygmy before her!"
"I have heard that she placed guards, thirty-two guards at my house, pretending that they had to be protection for me. But she ordered the guards not to speak to anybody who lives with me in the house – my physician, my kitchen people, my cleaners, my seamstresses, people who do everyday work for me." "The guards were ordered not to recognize that the people in my house even existed. They were not to smile at them, they were not to wave at them, they were not to talk with them; they were not to create any kind of contact with them."
"One guard must have asked "Why? If we are there to protect the Master, then what is the point of this precaution?"
She said, "The precaution is absolutely necessary. One day you may have to shoot all those peoplewho live there."
"Yes, you should be grateful to her. She has made roads, she has made houses – but she has also stolen forty-three million dollars. Even before I came to America she had stolen three hundred thousand dollars, and managed in the court to show that that money had gone to Rajneesh Foundation. Now the court has decided one point four million dollars is to be returned to the person."
"And the money had never come to the Foundation. All those papers were bogus."
"Yes, we have to be grateful to her – she was doing great work. She created this fascist group. She threw out every person who was capable, far more capable than herself, of making the commune better, more comfortable, less tedious. She harassed those people – the vice-chancellor of the university, the chancellor of the university, many psychotherapists, doctors. People who were competent like Sushila, Makima – they had to leave. Not that they were leaving me, because they are all coming back. They had to leave simply because there is a limit to suffering humiliation, harassment."
"And why should a person like Sushila be thrown out? ... Because Sushila could have managed this commune far better than Sheela. But you are not aware of it, that when we came here we had not a single dollar, and Sushila managed to collect thirty-three million dollars to start the commune with. Now, she was a dangerous woman in the eyes of Sheela, because she had done such a great job to get the commune started. This was the reward for her – to be thrown out from here!"
"In Australia Sushila was managing, with another sannyasin, a company which was capable of producing millions of dollars. And her idea was that that money would come to the commune. I prevented Sheela... I told her, "Don't interfere. They are working well." But seeing millions of dollars and the possibilities, she unnecessarily went there and forced Sushila from there too – in my name. She told her, "The Master says you should leave. I am going to take charge of the company."
"That was a pure lie; I had told her just the opposite. When Sushila was in charge there, there was no problem. I have known Sushila for many more years than I have known Sheela. I know her love towards me, and I have great respect for her capacities. But when Sheela used my name, finally Sushila left. And the moment she left, the whole company fell into pieces. Those millions of dollars disappeared; the company is in a mess, under litigation. Yes, you are right, we should be grateful to her." "What has she done? – forced you to work twelve, fourteen hours a day, made you slaves. I told
her, "I see people don't have good clothes; in winter they don't have enough clothes. So go and purchase clothes." Because I had said to, she purchased clothes, but they were never given to you; they were locked in a warehouse. Now they have been found."
"So what you see is not always the whole truth; there is much more behind it."
"She destroyed hundreds of centers around the world which I had created. People were running them with love, joy, and new sannyasins were coming through those centers. She destroyed those centers and concentrated sannyasins into six communes in Germany."
"Everybody who has an ambition for power wants centralization. Those centers were independent, they were not under anybody's rule. They were spreading my love, my message to people on their own; there was no need to destroy them. But they were not under her."
"In England Poonam had a beautiful commune – four hundred sannyasins were in the commune – and a beautiful place, lush green, with all the facilities. Sheela called Poonam here and took power over the commune, then sent all the sannyasins to European communes. And she was going to sell the commune property. She was destroying all the centers of England – she had almost succeeded. So you know only one side of the story, you don't know the other side."
"And I understand your mind.... The question is from an Italian sannyasin, Sarjano. Italy has lived under the authoritative rule of the popes, which ended finally in the fascism of Benito Mussolini. Somewhere deep in his mind there is no place for democracy and democratic values."
"Yes, she did some good work – as a facade! But behind the facade, she was doing every kind of criminal activity. Two persons she placed in Desiderata declaring that they had positive AIDS tests, for the simple reason that they were not willing to do something that she wanted them to do. This was a punishment – you cannot find a better punishment. Their blood was either mixed with the AIDS virus, or changed, so the test came back from outside as positive. And after she left, their blood was checked again – they have no AIDS." "Do you see the criminality of the mind? Putting two people who don't have AIDS with eight other people who have AIDS is putting them in great danger. And they cannot say anything, because the report is coming from outside. But the blood that was sent must have been taken from the people who have AIDS."
Sheela's intimate, her assistant in crime, was Puja, who was trying to create the AIDS virus. I don't understand what is the need of creating the AIDS virus, of culturing the AIDS virus. Perhaps that would have been their next step: anybody who does not listen to them goes to Desiderata. Without killing him, they have killed him."
"Sheela has done a few good things. She has made houses – but anybody could have done that, and in a far better way, not making you slave workers. She has made roads, which cannot be said to be very great, nothing to be compared with Adolf Hitler's superhighway. She was managing sufficient food for you – but she was also poisoning three thousand street people for twenty-one days continuously through their food, to keep them drugged so that they could vote for her. She wanted to take over the county."

[From Bondage to Freedom # 27]

MA YOGA LAXMI,Ex- Secretary of Osho[as per Shunyo]

"In June, 1981 Osho with a group of Western sannyasins left to U.S.A.. Ma Anand Sheela was appointed as new secretary of Osho replacing Ma Yog Laxmi. In U.S.A. Sheela was well established as Osho's secretary and Laxmi, who had done this work in India was now on holiday and Osho told her to relax and do nothing. In fact, a year later He was to tell her that had she listened to Him she by then would have been enlightened."

"Being no longer Osho' secretary, Laxmi ceased to be in lime light and was left as an ordinary sannyasin. This gave her a great shock which stirred her jealousy towards her successor as well as towards those western sannyasins who were now near to Osho and holding good position in the new commune."

"This was unfortunate. She failed to understand that around a Master when situations change there is nothing to be done except go with it, because everything is changing all the time in existence, and with Master the emphasis is on accepting change. A few people, who in Pune had jobs with a certain amount of power or prestige, were to find it impossible to adjust to their new position. Some went their own way and the group around Osho changed, just as great winds come and dead branches fall from the trees"

"Sheela was now well established as Osho's secretary and Laxmi, who had done this work in India, was now on holiday and Osho told her to relax and do nothing. In fact, a year later he was to tell her that had she listened to Him she would by now be enlightened. She tried to sing and dance with the musicians but could no succeed, then she decided to be a cook. It was unfortunate that by the time the lunch was prepared it was already evening. Therefore this was also a failure. Poor Laxmi! Then for the purpose of increasing acquaintance with the local people and show that just like others she was an ordinary person, she started drinking in park –parties. But being over-drunk slipped down from the table. Later on( she herself took another path) she had to collect few disciples and to make efforts to start a new commune for Osho."(These lines were published in Hindi Osho Times International, June, 1999 issue but were not there in Shunnyo's above book. Editor was Swami Chaitannya Kirti.)

"I understood from talking to Devraj that Sheela did not simply become Osho's secretary because of the convenience. Although she was Indian she had become an American citizen through her first marriage and had spent a lot of time in America. It was more involved than that, and had in fact begun four or five months before in Pune. Devraj has written a book in which he writes:-

["…Sheela, with the active or passive help of us all, became the 'Boss'. It was not that Bhagwan said one day' You are the best person for the job'; He merely confirmed that she had in fact taken the job. Any other choice would have been imposition by Him on us. In the Buddhist context this is what is called 'choice less awareness'.

" To have simply 'selected' somebody would have been against the whole way He worked. He was living in the experimental community, and for it to remain alive it had to have an integrity of its own. To just select His choice against the flow of events was not His way. He always went with the flow, surrendered totally to what existence offered to Him, and gave it one-hundred percent of His support to help it work. If existence had brought Sheela to the top, there must have some reason for it; there must have been something we needed to learn from it--- and how!"]

"The day before Vivek left for Delhi I heard her talking to Neelam, telling her that Osho had said that if we were all to be deported, then He would come too. Vivek was asking Neelam, "Please, don't let Him follow us, because at least in India He is safe."

"Hasya and Anando had been busy in Delhi making appointments to see officials there. Arun Nehru was the Minister for Internal Security then, the man at the root of this problem (cancellation of foreigners visas), but their appointments with him were continually cancelled. When they did see an official they were to be told "confidentially" that we should look within our group to see from where the trouble came. It appeared that Laxmi had written to the Home Office giving full details of all the foreign disciples and her words were to be repeated to us that " it was not necessary that Osho needs foreigners to see to His welfare." It was necessary actually, because more important to Osho than life itself was His work, and Westerners were needed for that. Osho was to say, "My Indian disciples meditate, but will not do anything for me. My Western disciples will do anything for me, but will not meditate." I did not understand this at the time, but was soon to learn."

"That afternoon, just before Osho was to take His walk along the river, there was a great commotion at the main gate of Span. I went to investigate, the staff of Span were in a desperate struggle with a busload of drunken Sikhs who had arrived and were shouting aggressively about Osho and wanting to see Him."

"… We went inside and I closed the curtains of the sitting room. Rain started to fall outside and the room darkened as I looked at Osho and He said:

"Sikhs! But I have never said anything against Sikhs. Such stupidity! What do these people want?" And then, as He sat at the edge of the sofa with His shoulders hunched He said, "This world is insane, what is the point in living?"

"Laxmi had confused the situation even more by spreading rumors with the sannyasins who lived in Delhi, that Hasya and Jayesh were trying to kidnap Osho. In a valiant attempt to save their master the Delhi sannyasins tried to snatch Osho back, but were thwarted by Anando. Osho took the plane to Nepal, just in time, just in time to avoid arrest by the Indian police. The Span property which I had heard Laxmi telling Osho about, had not been purchased by her, it was not even for sale."

"Some sannyasins arrived a couple of days later in Kathmandu with an offer of a palace in India in which Osho could live. They did not understand that at this point He could not go back to India, but Osho talked to them. A video of the palace had been made for Osho to see, so He agreed and to my surprise invited all of us to watch the video with Him."

"We sat at Osho's feet in his living room and the film began. After ten minutes of trees in the drive way of the palace, we saw a row of five or six stone huts with the roofs completely fallen in. These were the servants' quarters, and obviously a lot of work had to be done on them--- but that was nothing, we have worked before on buildings. The camera then scanned up and down a few more trees and I thought to myself that someone must have told the cameraman that Osho loved trees."

"Osho asked if there was any water in the palace. "Yes, Yes" was the reply from the bearer of the video. After five more minutes travelling up and down the trunks of the trees, we saw the" palace". It had only four rooms, and they were in the advanced stage of dilapidation. " Is there any water in the property?" asked Osho. "Yes, Yes", came the reply. The four room palace must not have lived in for at least fifty years. " What about the water?" began Osho… Aah! There it was! A thin trickle of water ran down some moss covered stones in the garden. " And do we have rights to this water?' asked Osho. " The water belongs to the girls' school, next door," was the reply, "but, no problem."

"Now I understood. This is why Osho wanted us all to watch the video with Him, so that we could have some idea of how difficult the situation was when trying to get done with some of His sannyasins. That their hearts are with Osho is without question, but they must be crazy to want to take Him back to India, and even crazier to think He could live in the remains of what was a four roomed house, and without water!"

"Osho said to them that their asking Him to remain in India was out of love, but it was absurd. He said that it would create trouble for Him and trouble for themselves, and He told them to go back, think over it, and return after seven days. They never came back and Osho said that they must have understood the implications, and their insistence had been out of love, not out of reason."

Now let us see what Osho International Foundation has said in their circular dated 20th June, 2000 about the role of Ma Yoga Laxmi during Pune-II :-

"The Ex-Secretary Trap"

With his characteristic insight into the unconscious of us all, Osho warned about the difficulty for ex-secretaries to get over being dropped from the secretarial function. He explains that a secretary's ego is very happy to be called to see him for this work and gets attached to its idea that it is special. And the ego is always angry with Osho when he decides that they are no longer useful in that function. He explains how these people have always demonstrated their anger and resentment at being dropped by trying to sabotage the work that their replacement has been asked to carry out.

Just as Ma Laxmi, Osho's secretary of the 70's, did this to her successors, and was eventually banned by Osho from the Commune for it, so Ma Sheela did the same, and now, like clockwork, Ma Neelam is repeating the identical pattern.

As Osho explains, when these secretaries are replaced, their egos naturally suffer, but this is an Opportunity for them to experience ordinariness. And that the continuing resentment at being dropped always leads to a sense of separation, which is ultimately destructive."

Note: Osho International Foundation have the copyrights of all above Osho's quotations.


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